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    Reis Azlan

    The message I aim for my art to convey is the invisible and the gradual loss of the strong Malay identity that Singapore once had, and how that way of lifestyle is something to be reminisced, as well as the beauty of the culture and traditions.

    Originating from Singapore, I moved to New Zealand when I was only two years old. My family would visit our home country at least once a year. Throughout my childhood it was particularly challenging for me to experience my South-east asian culture and lifestyle as I was an outsider to my own country; my time in Singapore was experienced in brief snippets. However, Singapore is a growing country, and each time I visited the city had progressed, things were always changing and evolving. As the city progressed each time I returned, traditional houses were demolished, forests were destroyed and landscapes had changed drastically, ultimately leaving my core childhood experiences of my home as mere memories. The artworks I produce stem from the events and feelings I experience during the times I visited my home country, and represent memories and experiences that I reminisce about."

    Works by Reis Azlan